I emailed a friend over the weekend - well, a former friend, maybe, who ghosted me - because I’m using something that happened between us as the basis for the novel I’m working on at the moment, and I wanted to let them know that. It didn’t feel right not to tell them. I haven’t had a reply and don’t necessarily expect one, but I didn’t want them to find out when the book is finished and (hopefully) published.

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I read a lot of your stuff via here and The i and it always resonates (For info I'm male, Gen X and no kids so that's canny impressive really!) and this is absolutely no exception. I can absolutely relate to this (been writing books and stories for years but started blogging about my treatment and everything that went with it when diagnosed with Cancer and it really helped) and am glad you've found yourself again. I look forward to watching one of your plays when you take them on a regional run - keep going kidda!

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So glad that writing for you was on some level cathartic. It’s marvelous when that happens.

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