Going to weddings alone is more fun, mingling and smoking with old friends rather than drunk snogging or drunk rowing like lots of couples…

Fridge is a minefield. I either over eat or let perfectly good things spoil. One is not fun, Delia was wrong. Try the Bridget Jones diet with me? If a man is buying you dinner (or you’re eating with others), go for it, if you’re alone, skip a meal. If I subscribed to this I’d be a size 0…

Can’t handle the bin thing, usually get juice on my pyjamas and then cry. I decided to coordinate bin day with cleaning lady day and be extra nice about it - total life hack game changer …

Crying. Every time I cry I will fantasise about sending “I’m crying” (with no further comment) to my contact list and the tears will turn to laughter

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SPIDERS. I have used my Street WhatsApp group for this twice.

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I left my partner last week and just this morning was making a list of the things I was worrying about now I'm out. It sounds very similar to your list (although I don't have a child to consider, I can't imagine...) It's so complex leaving a partnership, even when you know it's the right thing. I am having to constantly remind myself that the things I am concerned about missing came at a price that was not worth paying ...it takes a lot of mental strength.

It's lovely to read that your experience of going to a wedding solo was a joyous one - I have one next month and you have made me feel more optimistic about it x

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I’d miss talking in bed. It’s so good for you.

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I'd been single (bar the odd short-ish casual relationship) for 10 years ish and got so used to it I never gave things like that a second thought until I got into a serious relationship again last year, and suddenly I was like "OH! Yes!" Life can be so much easier with someone there beside you, someone who has your back.

Mental decisions & tasks is the top one for me. Being single you have to make Every. Single. Decision about EVERY aspect of your life and make Every. Single. Thing. Happen. Yes, this is empowering and great to have so much agency but fuck me is it exhausting. Friends and family can help to a certain degree but it's the little everyday stuff to share with a partner or someone you live with that I found the exhaustion lies. Like you say, what to eat - at least THREE TIME A DAY. Remembering to pay a bill, or ring XYZ to ask ABC. Having someone else to make a cup of tea, or make the bed, or wipe down the bathroom. Someone else to remember to buy milk on the way home or get the wood in for the fire.

The other thing is a hug and physical affection. I love a cuddle on the sofa. I just don't get that same (non-sexual) intimacy or closeness from any of my friends or family (I don't have kids).

(Also, I too found weddings wonderful after I got divorced. Fun and happy.)

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